Hold Governments Accountable for Natural Resource Corruption

Saturday 27 September 2008

Sponsor: Oxfam America

Natural resources shouldn't be a burden on the poor. Yet in many countries around the world, revenues from natural resources are propping up dictators, fueling conflict, and deepening poverty.

But you can help change that today. There's a bill in the Senate that would help poor communities hold their governments accountable.

The Extractive Industries Transparency Disclosure (EITD) Act would require payments made between oil, gas, and mining companies and their host governments to be publicized. Too often profits from natural resources are secretly diverted to accounts of corrupt leaders or used to fund conflict and repression.

More than 60 percent of the world's poorest people live in countries rich in natural resources, but they rarely share in that wealth. Natural resources should help lift people out of poverty, but for many developing countries that window is closing fast. Ask your Senators to co-sponsor the EITD Act.

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(Signatures needed: 10,000 - Current signatures: 523)