The spirit of the Olympics is supposed to be one of peace and international cooperation. As host of this year's games, China should embody that spirit.
Instead, China used its position as a convenient excuse to jail, deport, and murder political dissidents.
Instead, China continues to support the genocide in Darfur, supplying 88% of the Sudanese government's small arms and threatening to interfere with international prosectution of Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir.
Instead, China maintains its oppressive reign of terror in Tibet, closing the nation to all unmonitored foreign reporters after Chinese paramilitary police torched a Tibetan market in March, killing at least sixteen people in the process.
Bush said that changes in China will come "on its own terms and in keeping with its own history and traditions" — but that just isn't good enough. It's not good enough when people are dying in China and in Darfur and in Tibet, and it's not good enough when the Chinese government throws a shroud over its abuses and pretends they don't exist. President Bush must display the strength demanded by his office and by these international crises that continue to go unchecked in any serious way.
President Bush's trip to China must serve a greater purpose than cheering for America's athletes.
After you sign the petition, be sure and tell a few friends.
- Tara
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